JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Package javax.telephony.privatedata

The JTAPI Private Data package provides an extension mechanism for vendor specific telephony objects.


Interface Summary
PrivateData Introduction
PrivateDataAddressListener The PrivateDataAddressListener interface reports the receipt of platform-specific address information.
PrivateDataCallListener The PrivateDataCallListener interface reports the receipt of platform-specific call information.
PrivateDataEvent The PrivateDataEvent interface is the base event for all events in the privatedata package.
PrivateDataProviderListener The PrivateDataProviderListener interface reports the receipt of platform-specific provider information.
PrivateDataTerminalListener The PrivateDataTerminalListener interface reports the receipt of platform-specific terminal information.

Package javax.telephony.privatedata Description

The JTAPI Private Data package provides an extension mechanism for vendor specific telephony objects.

JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Send comments to: JSR-43@ectf.org