JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Interface ACDManagerConnection

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ACDManagerConnection
extends Connection


The ACDManagerConnection models a call that is being offered for routing by an ACD. The ACD mechanism selects among Agent Groups as recipients of the call. A call can be offered to one or more Agent Groups. If none of those groups contain an agent that is able to service the call, the call will be queued at each of the groups. As soon as an agent from one of those groups can be given the call, the call is connected to that agent's Terminal and all the queued instances of that call are removed.

ACDManagerConnections and other ACD Objects

The ACDManagerConnection interface models the relationship between a Call and an ACDManagerAddress. A call placed to an ACDManagerAddress is one that is being offered for routing to Agent Groups. Agent Groups are modeled by ACDAddresses. When an implementation of an ACDManagerAddress routes a call to an ACDAddress, an ACDConnection is added to the routing ACDManagerConnection to model the offering or queuing nature of the call being extended to the ACDAddress

ACDManagerConnections and TerminalConnections

The getTerminalConnection() method on the Connection interface, that ACDManagerConnection extends, will always return null because ACDManagerAddresses do not have Terminals associated with them.

ACDManagerConnection States

The following are the possible core Connection states presented by this interface: IDLE, ALERTING, FAILED, DISCONNECTED.

The state of the ACDManagerConnection is availble through the ACDManagerConnection.getState() inherited from the core Connection interface. Each state is an integer constant defined in the core Connection interface. Their meaning in this interface are summarized below:

ACDManagerConnection.IDLE As in the core, this is the initial and transitory state for new ACDConnection objects.
ACDManagerConnection.ALERTING This state indicates that the ACDManagerConnection has been made to a particular ACDManagerAddress.
ACDManagerConnection.DISCONNECTED This state has the same definition as in the core.
ACDManagerConnection.FAILED This state has the same definition as in the core.
ACDManagerConnection.UNKNOWN This state has the same definition as in the core.

ACDManagerConnection State Transitions

The ACDManagerConnection class defines the allowable ACDManagerConnection state transitions. These finite-state transitions must be guaranteed by the implementation. Each method that causes a change in an ACDManagerConnection state must be consistent with this state diagram.

Note there is a general left-to-right progression of the state transitions. A Connection object may transition into and out of the ACDManagerConnection.UNKNOWN state at any time with the annotated exceptions (hence, the asterisk qualifier next to its bidirectional transition arrow).

See Also:
ACDAddress, ACDManagerAddress, ACDConnection

Fields inherited from interface javax.telephony.Connection
Method Summary
 ACDConnection[] getACDConnections()
          Returns the ACDConnection objects associated with this ACDManagerConnection.
Methods inherited from interface javax.telephony.Connection
disconnect, getAddress, getCall, getCapabilities, getConnectionCapabilities, getState, getTerminalConnections

Method Detail


public ACDConnection[] getACDConnections()
                                  throws MethodNotSupportedException
Returns the ACDConnection objects associated with this ACDManagerConnection. A null will be returned if this ACDManagerConnection has no associated ACDConnections.

The list of ACDConnection associated with this ACDManagerConnection.
MethodNotSupportedException - This method is not supported by the implementation.

JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Send comments to: JSR-43@ectf.org