JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Package javax.telephony.media.messaging

Defines the means to communicate to and exchange information with other media application services.


Interface Summary
Async_MessagingServiceListener Listener for Asynchronous completion of MessagingService methods.
Async_NamedServiceListener Listener for Asynchronous completion of NamedService methods.
Async_ServiceEvent A ServiceEvent with Async.Event methods.
MessageConstants Symbols used in various MessageService methods.
MessagingProvider Provider interface to get a MessagingService.
MessagingService Holds the methods that extend MediaProvider for Service registry and Message delivery.
NamedService Send and receive messages on a messaging connection.
NamedServiceListener Listener for non-tranactional events from a NamedService.
ServiceEvent A MediaEvent from a MessagingService or NamedService.
ServiceRequestEvent A ServiceEvent representing a Request from a NamedService.

Class Summary
NamedServiceListenerAdapter Minimal implementation of NamedServiceListener.

Exception Summary
NotRegisteredException Indicates that openNamedService or registerService failed.
ServiceClosedException A ServiceException indicating this service is closed.
ServiceException A MediaException containing a ServiceEvent.
ServiceRequestException Indicates that the remote service responded with an Exception.

Package javax.telephony.media.messaging Description

Defines the means to communicate to and exchange information with other media application services.

Package Overview

The MessagingProvider is an optional interface that may be implemented by a MediaProvider.

The working methods for this package are in the MessagingService interface. A MessagingService object is obtained from the MessagingProvider.

A MessagingProvider object is obtained by checking instanceof and then casting a Provider/MediaProvider to a MessagingProvider.
For example:

    MediaProvider mp = ...;
    MessagingService ms = null;
    if (mp instanceof MessagingProvider) 
       ms = ((MessagingProvider)mp).getMessagingService();

Most of the interesting methods are defined in MessagingService and NamedService.

JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Send comments to: JSR-43@ectf.org