JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Interface Ev

All Known Subinterfaces:
ACDAddrBusyEv, ACDAddrEv, ACDAddrLoggedOffEv, ACDAddrLoggedOnEv, ACDAddrNotReadyEv, ACDAddrReadyEv, ACDAddrUnknownEv, ACDAddrWorkNotReadyEv, ACDAddrWorkReadyEv, AddrEv, AddrObservationEndedEv, AgentTermBusyEv, AgentTermEv, AgentTermLoggedOffEv, AgentTermLoggedOnEv, AgentTermNotReadyEv, AgentTermReadyEv, AgentTermUnknownEv, AgentTermWorkNotReadyEv, AgentTermWorkReadyEv, ButtonInfoEv, ButtonPressEv, CallActiveEv, CallCentCallAppDataEv, CallCentCallEv, CallCentConnEv, CallCentConnInProgressEv, CallCentEv, CallCentTrunkEv, CallCentTrunkInvalidEv, CallCentTrunkValidEv, CallCtlAddrDoNotDisturbEv, CallCtlAddrEv, CallCtlAddrForwardEv, CallCtlAddrMessageWaitingEv, CallCtlCallEv, CallCtlConnAlertingEv, CallCtlConnDialingEv, CallCtlConnDisconnectedEv, CallCtlConnEstablishedEv, CallCtlConnEv, CallCtlConnFailedEv, CallCtlConnInitiatedEv, CallCtlConnNetworkAlertingEv, CallCtlConnNetworkReachedEv, CallCtlConnOfferedEv, CallCtlConnQueuedEv, CallCtlConnUnknownEv, CallCtlEv, CallCtlTermConnBridgedEv, CallCtlTermConnDroppedEv, CallCtlTermConnEv, CallCtlTermConnHeldEv, CallCtlTermConnInUseEv, CallCtlTermConnRingingEv, CallCtlTermConnTalkingEv, CallCtlTermConnUnknownEv, CallCtlTermDoNotDisturbEv, CallCtlTermEv, CallEv, CallInvalidEv, CallObservationEndedEv, ConnAlertingEv, ConnConnectedEv, ConnCreatedEv, ConnDisconnectedEv, ConnEv, ConnFailedEv, ConnInProgressEv, ConnUnknownEv, DisplayUpdateEv, HookswitchStateEv, LampModeEv, MediaEv, MediaTermConnAvailableEv, MediaTermConnDtmfEv, MediaTermConnEv, MediaTermConnStateEv, MediaTermConnUnavailableEv, MicrophoneGainEv, PhoneEv, PhoneTermEv, PrivateAddrEv, PrivateCallEv, PrivateProvEv, PrivateTermEv, ProvEv, ProvInServiceEv, ProvObservationEndedEv, ProvOutOfServiceEv, ProvShutdownEv, RingerPatternEv, RingerVolumeEv, SpeakerVolumeEv, TermConnActiveEv, TermConnCreatedEv, TermConnDroppedEv, TermConnEv, TermConnPassiveEv, TermConnRingingEv, TermConnUnknownEv, TermEv, TermObservationEndedEv

public interface Ev

The parent of all JTAPI event interfaces.


The Ev interface is the parent of all JTAPI event interfaces. All JTAPI event interfaces extend this interface, either directly or indirectly. Event interfaces within each JTAPI package are organized in a hierarchical fashion. The architecture of the core package event hierarchy is described later.

The JTAPI event system notifies applications when changes in various JTAPI object occur. Each individual change in an object is represented by an event sent to the appropriate observer. Because several changes may happen to an object at once, events are delivered as a batch. A batch of events represents a series of events and changes to the call model which happened exactly at the same time. For this reason, events are delivered to observers as arrays.

Event IDs

Each event carries a corresponding identification integer. The Ev.getID() method returns this identification number for each event. The actual event identification integer is defined in each of the specific event interfaces. Each event interface must carry a unique id.

Cause Codes

Each events carries a cause or a reason why the event happened. The Ev.getCause() method returns this cause value. The different types of cause values are also defined in this interface.

Core Package Event Hierarchy

The core package defines a hierarchy of event interfaces. The base of this hierarchy is the Ev interface. Directly extending this interface are those events interfaces for each object which supports an observer: ProvEv, CallEv, AddrEv, and TermEv.

Since Connection and TerminalConnection events are reported via the CallObserver interface, the ConnEv and TermConnEv interfaces extends the CallEv interface.

The following diagram illustrates the complete core package event structure.

Meta Codes

The Ev.getMetaCode() method returns the meta code for the event. Events are grouped together using meta codes to provide a higher-level description of an update to the call model. Since events represent singular changes in one particular object in the call model, it may be difficult for the application to infer a higher-level interpretation of several of these singular events. Meta codes exist on events to assist the application in this regard.

Events which belong to the same higher-level action and contain the same meta code are reported consecutively in an event batch sent to an observer. In fact, multiple meta code grouping of events may exist in a single event batch. In that case, the Ev.isNewMetaEvent() method is used to indicate the beginning of a new meta code event grouping. This method also indicates whether a meta code grouping exists across event batch boundaries. That is, events belonging to the same meta code grouping may be delivered in two contiguous event batches.

There are five types of meta codes which pertain to individual calls, and two which pertain to a mutli-call action, and two miscellaneous meta codes. The five meta codes which pertain to individual calls are:

Ev.META_CALL_STARTING Indicates that a new active call has been presented to the application, either by an application creating a call and performing an action on it, or by an incoming call to an object being observed by the application.
Ev.META_CALL_PROGRESS Indicates that the objects belonging to a call have changed state, with the exception of Connections moving to Connection.DISCONNECTED. For example, when a remote party answers a telephone call and the corresponding Connection moves into the Connection.CONNECTED state, this is the meta code associated with the resulting batch of events.
Ev.META_CALL_ADDING_PARTY Indicates that a party has been added to the call. A "party" corresponds to a Connection being added. Note that if a TerminalConnection is added, it carries a meta code of Ev.META_CALL_PROGRESS.
Ev.META_CALL_REMOVING_PARTY Indicates that a party (i.e. Connection) has been removed from the call by moving into the Connection.DISCONNECTED state.
Ev.META_CALL_ENDING Indicates that an entire telephone call has ended, which implies the call has moved into the Call.INVALID state and all of its Connections have moved into the Connection.DISCONNECTED state.

The two meta codes pertaining to a mutli-call actions are as follows:
Ev.META_CALL_MERGING Indicates that a party has moved from one call to another as part of the two calls merging. A common example is when two telephone calls are conferenced.
Ev.META_CALL_TRANSFERRING Indicates that a party has moved from one call to another as part of one call being transferred to another. The differs from Ev.META_CALL_MERGING because a common party leaves both calls.

The two miscellaneous meta codes are as follows:
Ev.META_SNAPSHOT Indicates that the sequence of events are part of a "snapshot" given to the application to bring it up-to-date with the current state of the call model.
Ev.META_UNKNOWN Indicates that the meta code is unknown for the event.

Field Summary
          Cause code indicating the user has terminated call without going on-hook.
          Cause code indicating the destination is not available.
          Cause code indicating that a call has encountered an incompatible destination.
static int CAUSE_LOCKOUT
          Cause code indicating that a call encountered inter-digit timeout while dialing.
          Cause code indicating call encountered network congestion.
          Cause code indicating call could not reach a destination network.
static int CAUSE_NEW_CALL
          Cause code indicating that a new call.
static int CAUSE_NORMAL
          Cause code indicating normal operation
          Cause code indicating resources were not available.
          Cause code indicating that the event is part of a snapshot of the current state of the call.
static int CAUSE_UNKNOWN
          Cause code indicating the cause was unknown
          Meta code description for the addition of a party to call.
          Meta code description for the entire call ending.
          Meta code description for an action of merging two calls.
          Meta code description for the progress of a call.
          Meta code description for a party leaving the call.
          Meta code description for the initiation or starting of a call.
          Meta code description for an action of transferring one call to another.
static int META_SNAPSHOT
          Meta code description for a snapshot of events.
static int META_UNKNOWN
          Meta code is unknown.
Method Summary
 int getCause()
          Returns the cause associated with this event.
 int getID()
          Returns the id of event.
 int getMetaCode()
          Returns the meta code associated with this event.
 java.lang.Object getObserved()
          Deprecated. Since JTAPI v1.2 This interface no longer needs to supply this information and may return null.
 boolean isNewMetaEvent()
          Returns true when this event is the start of a meta code group.

Field Detail


public static final int CAUSE_NORMAL
Cause code indicating normal operation


public static final int CAUSE_UNKNOWN
Cause code indicating the cause was unknown


public static final int CAUSE_CALL_CANCELLED
Cause code indicating the user has terminated call without going on-hook.


public static final int CAUSE_DEST_NOT_OBTAINABLE
Cause code indicating the destination is not available.


Cause code indicating that a call has encountered an incompatible destination.


public static final int CAUSE_LOCKOUT
Cause code indicating that a call encountered inter-digit timeout while dialing.


public static final int CAUSE_NEW_CALL
Cause code indicating that a new call.


public static final int CAUSE_RESOURCES_NOT_AVAILABLE
Cause code indicating resources were not available.


public static final int CAUSE_NETWORK_CONGESTION
Cause code indicating call encountered network congestion.


public static final int CAUSE_NETWORK_NOT_OBTAINABLE
Cause code indicating call could not reach a destination network.


public static final int CAUSE_SNAPSHOT
Cause code indicating that the event is part of a snapshot of the current state of the call.


public static final int META_CALL_STARTING
Meta code description for the initiation or starting of a call. This implies that the call is a new call and in the active state with at least one Connection added to it.


public static final int META_CALL_PROGRESS
Meta code description for the progress of a call. This indicates an update in state of certain objects in the call, or the addition of TerminalConnections (but not Connections).


public static final int META_CALL_ADDITIONAL_PARTY
Meta code description for the addition of a party to call. This includes adding a connection to the call.


public static final int META_CALL_REMOVING_PARTY
Meta code description for a party leaving the call. This includes exactly one Connection moving to the Connection.DISCONNECTED state.


public static final int META_CALL_ENDING
Meta code description for the entire call ending. This includes the call going to Call.INVALID, all of the Connections moving to the Connection.DISCONNECTED state.


public static final int META_CALL_MERGING
Meta code description for an action of merging two calls. This involves the removal of one party from one call and the addition of the same party to another call.


public static final int META_CALL_TRANSFERRING
Meta code description for an action of transferring one call to another. This involves the removal of parties from one call and the addition to another call, and the common party dropping off completely.


public static final int META_SNAPSHOT
Meta code description for a snapshot of events.


public static final int META_UNKNOWN
Meta code is unknown.
Method Detail


public int getCause()
Returns the cause associated with this event. Every event has a cause. The various cause values are defined as public static final variables in this interface.

The cause of the event.


public int getMetaCode()
Returns the meta code associated with this event. The meta code provides a higher-level description of the event.

The meta code for this event.


public boolean isNewMetaEvent()
Returns true when this event is the start of a meta code group. This method is used to distinguish two contiguous groups of events bearing the same meta code.

True if this event represents a new meta code grouping, false otherwise.


public int getID()
Returns the id of event. Every event has an id. The defined id of each event matches the object type of each event. The defined id allows applications to switch on event id rather than having to use multiple "if instanceof" statements.

The id of the event.


public java.lang.Object getObserved()
Deprecated. Since JTAPI v1.2 This interface no longer needs to supply this information and may return null.

Returns the object that is being observed.

Note:Implementation need no longer supply this information. The CallObsevationEndedEv.getObservedObject() method has been added which returns related information. This method may return null in JTAPI v1.2 and later.

The object that is being observed.

JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Send comments to: JSR-43@ectf.org