JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Package javax.telephony.callcontrol.capabilities

The JTAPI Call Control Capabilities package provides the interfaces that inform the an application about which features were included in the current JTAPI implementation and which features are currently valid throughout a call transaction.


Interface Summary
CallControlAddressCapabilities The CallControlAddressCapabilities interface extends the core AddressCapabilities interface.
CallControlCallCapabilities The CallControlCallCapabilities interface extends the core CallCapabilities interface.
CallControlConnectionCapabilities The CallControlConnectionCapabilities interface extends the core ConnectionCapabilities interface.
CallControlTerminalCapabilities The CallControlTerminalCapabilities interface extends the core TerminalCapabilities interface.
CallControlTerminalConnectionCapabilities The CallControlTerminalConnectionCapabilities interface extends the core TerminalConnectionCapabilities interface.

Package javax.telephony.callcontrol.capabilities Description

The JTAPI Call Control Capabilities package provides the interfaces that inform the an application about which features were included in the current JTAPI implementation and which features are currently valid throughout a call transaction.

JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Send comments to: JSR-43@ectf.org