JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Package javax.telephony.callcenter.capabilities

The JTAPI Call Center Capabilities package provides the interfaces for applications to query which features are included in the current JTAPI implementation and are available.


Interface Summary
ACDAddressCapabilities The ACDAddressCapabilities interface extends the AddressCapabilities interface to add capabilities methods for the ACDAddress interface.
ACDConnectionCapabilities The ACDConnectionCapabilities interface extends the ConnectionCapabilities interface to add capabilities methods for the ACDConnection interface.
ACDManagerAddressCapabilities The ACDManagerAddressCapabilities interface extends the AddressCapabilities interface to add capabilities methods for the ACDManagerAddress interface.
ACDManagerConnectionCapabilities The ACDManagerConnectionCapabilities interface extends the ConnectionCapabilities interface to add capabilities methods for the ACDManagerConnection interface.
AgentTerminalCapabilities The AgentTerminalCapabilities interface extends the TerminalCapabilities interface to add capabilities methods for the AgentTerminal interface.
CallCenterAddressCapabilities The CallCenterAddressCapabilities interface extends the AddressCapabilities interface to add capabilities methods for the CallCenterAddress interface.
CallCenterCallCapabilities The CallCenterCallCapabilities interface extends the CallCapabilities interface to add capabilities methods for the CallCenterCall interface.
CallCenterProviderCapabilities The CallCenterProviderCapabilities interface extends the ProviderCapabilities interface to add capabilities methods for the CallCenterProvider interface.
RouteAddressCapabilities The RouteAddressCapabilities interface extends the AddressCapabilities interface to add capabilities methods for the RouteAddress interface.

Package javax.telephony.callcenter.capabilities Description

The JTAPI Call Center Capabilities package provides the interfaces for applications to query which features are included in the current JTAPI implementation and are available.

JSR-043: JTAPI-1.4

Send comments to: JSR-43@ectf.org